Friday, March 4, 2011

My First Blog

Well here it goes.  Tonight i venture into the world of blogging, as if i need one more thing to keep me busy.  I have a few reasons for starting a blog.  1.) To work on some personal goals of my in the grammar dept.  I have never enjoyed English or Literature in school, and it will probably show throughout my blog.  So if i make a mistake, go ahead and laugh.  Practice makes prefect right ¿ 2.) My wife, Sherri has one so i figured i would try something she likes doing too.  Her Blog.  She does a great job posting blogs about the kids and our life, but as you know there is always two different stories about the same thing.  Well now I am ready for bed.  Waking up at 4:45am will exhaust you by night time.

Ha, thank goodness this has spell check.  Although not as many as i thought were misspelled.


  1. look forward to reading your blog...don't worry about anyone correcting grammar errors..i bet your wife will do that for ya, mine would :0)

  2. Yes, she will and i really don't mind. But i think she is afraid of hurting my feelings. Thanks for checking out the blog.
